Type of Auto Insurance

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009 | | |

Insurance is essentially mendisiplinkan people to suffer losses that small, and will bring great losses that have not been confirmed. The world where insurance is known to sell 2 types of products, the Life Insurance and Insurance Losses. For auto insurance is included in the types of insurance losses.

In general, insurance companies offer two types of car insurance which reviewed the condition of protection or proteksinya, namely:

1. Comprehensive (All Risk)

Namely to ensure the risk of loss or damage to vehicles, either in part or whole, including the replacement of here to a third party (the victim) is harmed.

2. Total Lost Only (TLO)

Which guarantee protection against the risk of loss if the vehicle or the same as the cost kerusakannya or exceed 75% of the price of the vehicle and insurance because the car is lost or stolen.

The amount of premium for both types of auto insurance is of course different. Given the amount of risk the possibility of going to a vehicle is also not the same. You can choice your auto insurance in missouri auto insurance.

Comprehensive insurance type (All Risk) bear the risk of loss as a whole, both because of the missing vehicle theft and loss as small as a damaged spy terserempet another car. Things that make preminya more expensive.

While the types of insurance Total Loss Only (TLO) premi cheaper, because the minimum limit losses. You can see hamilton auto insurance for cheap auto insurance. So the damage that caused little damage (less than 75% the price of vehicles) are not insured. Preminya comparison can be doubled or more. Suppose an insurance company in the premium large car TLO is 1.25% of the value of the vehicle, the large premium All Risk could reach 3% of the value of the vehicle.

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